
Artwork by Becca Tarnas created with watercolor, acrylic, charcoal, and ink.

14 Replies to “Paintings”

  1. I love your paintings Becca, they are beautiful and filled with the joy and richness and colors of life. I also love how you seem to have so much of your own style and signature. Amazing–what a vision and creativity!

  2. Becca, What a magnificent human being you are! I’m bowled over by your richness, the mark of your obvious geneology, and the thought that there you will be out in the world interfacing with
    a population that is still yet to come…I am sorry that as an older person I will miss your future contributions . Yet, I share with you my gratitude that I may partake of them now, within this moment in time..
    Judith Harte, Ph.D., MFT, Archetypal Astrologer, Emerging sculptress….
    Co-author of soon to be released mages of Soul: Reimagining Astrology with Hadley Fitzgerald. MFT

    1. Dear Judith,

      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment—I hope to be able to play some small role in interfacing with the population yet to come in this time of crisis and transformation, and I deeply appreciate the support of those like you whose life experience has opened doors to insights I have not yet begun to imagine. Thank you for sharing the title of your book, I will look into it!

      With gratitude,

  3. Nice work! My favorites are “Breathing Time”, “Drought and Hope”, and “Depths of the Imagination.” I understand how hard it can be to verbalize or in any way concretely translate or reproduce complex subtle visions– something that you seem to have achieved particularly well in the painting “Breathing Time” (maybe at least in part because the ‘informational’ content in that one is in some sense more protracted than that of “The Oversoul,” for example). I cannot verbalize exactly what that painting conveys to me, but it partly is a poignantly transcendent feeling. Anyway, whatever it conveys seems to be something drawn directly from an actual experience, and it is very finely rendered.

    “Drought and Hope” also conveys a poignant feeling: we are fervently hoping and praying along with the drought-stricken woman that her sole remaining tiny plant shoot (and she) will not perish. In times of plenty, a small nondescript plant such as this might go completely unnoticed; but as it has survived through severe privation that has otherwise utterly scoured the land, it radiates dignity and comes to epitomize life itself as well as take on a special form of companionship with the equally deprived and hardy woman. In the background, the way that the jagged cracks in the parched earth give way to a distinctly labyrinthine pattern seems to be a symbolic reminder that solitary tribulations such as this can be given meaning beyond their own painful immediacy by viewing them in larger context as tests or initiatory ordeals of some kind…events that when lived and passed through will have made the person stronger and wiser.

    The whimsical portmanteau of whale and butterfly amongst giant flower blossoms in the dreamlike image “Depths of the Imagination” conveys a palpable and charming dynamism. Will the butterfly in its aerial ascent pull the whale out of the water and into the sky? Will the whale in its dive to the depths pull the butterfly out of the sky and into the ocean? …

  4. I have been working on the materialization of imaginary (evil) shadow of ecstacy for the past 11 years. We ought to just start carrying over from the symbolism of the humankind to the animalizm of symbol-less-ness.

    Director to Polymaths Eurasia

  5. The role arts play in bringing together “the Shadowy” and “the True Self” is being well investigated AND written about in our Korean journal of PsyCharts under the rubric of PHENOMENOLOGIZING THE NATURE OF ARTS . . .. .

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