Your Astrological Initiation

With Richard Tarnas & Becca Tarnas

Practical Guidance for Using Astrology to Best Serve Yourself, Others, and the World

“It is in the realm of the soul that we find the heavens that govern the skies.”
–  Rumi

“Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
– C. G. Jung

The Astrology Hub has created a beautiful opportunity for me and my father, Richard Tarnas, to offer a workshop together focusing on the skills it takes to be an excellent astrologer. “Your Astrological Initiation” offers insight on how to be an astrological ambassador to your community, whether you are a student new to astrology or a seasoned professional astrologer.

Purchase a Recording of the Workshop!

In the workshop, we will be speaking about the relationship between astrology and psychology, techniques for how to deepen your practice, how to frame an astrology reading or research project, the ethics of a compassionate consultation, the best ways to respond to skepticism, and a celebration of the profound astrological mystery into which the astrologer is initiated.

The 4-hour workshop takes place on Wednesday, September 21 at 2:00–6:00 pm Pacific time, with a follow-up 2-hour live Q&A on Tuesday, September 27 at 2:00 pm Pacific time. Both events will be recorded and participants will have lifetime access to the recordings, plus there will be an opportunity to submit questions before the Q&A.

We’ve never before offered a workshop together of this kind and I think it will be a rich opportunity for everyone who participates!

To read a full description of the workshop, and view all the bonus offerings, please visit:

3 Replies to “Your Astrological Initiation”

  1. Dear Becca,
    I have been watching your videos concerning Jung and Tolkien and the Red Books. I am now reading LOTR, Journey to the Imaginal Realm, and Jung’ s Red Book.
    I graduated from
    CIIS in 2001 and had taken workshops with your brilliant father. I retired last June and now have time for the deep dive into the Magic!
    Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration. It is helping me with other areas of study: a year long program with Dr. Sharon Blackie, a course on Intuitive Painting, and a year long course with the Avalonian Theological Studies Program. Lots of Celtic studies… history, languages, folklore and myth.
    So, your research and writings are very helpful.
    Respect and Blessings,
    Joey Bortnick

    1. Joey, I’m so delighted to hear you’ve been enjoying my offerings on Jung and Tolkien and are reading the two Red Books for yourself. Congratulations on retirement and being able to turn your attention to new areas of thought! It’s a pleasure to know you’re doing all this.

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